Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3 Analysis of adipocyte differentiation. ( a ) 3T3-L1 cells were induced to differentiate into adipocytes for
the indicated times, and processed for confocal microscopy. Lipid droplets were revealed by the dye BODIPY
493/503. ( b ) 3T3-L1 cells were induced to differentiate into adipocytes. The cells were lysed and subjected for
western blot to detect Rab40c and the markers Perilipin, ADRP, or TIP47 for lipid droplets.
-tubulin serves as
loading control. The results indicated that the level of Rab40c increased following with the adipocyte differen-
tiation. Bar = 20
m. Figure ( b ) is reproduced from the open access journal PLoS One [ 19 ]
1. NRK cells give a better vesicular structure of Rab40c in our
experiments. 3T3-L1, the pre-adipose cell line, was usually
used to induce adipocyte differentiation [ 12 ], and HepG2 cells
were used to mimic LD formation in adipocytes by stimulation
with oleic acids [ 20 ].
2. PolyAb against Rab40c has been described previously [ 19 ].
PolyAb against TIP47 (AnaSpec), Rabbit mAb against
Perilipin (Cell Signaling Technology), and polyAb against
ADRP (Santa Cruz) serve as markers for lipid droplets. mAb
-tubulin (Sigma) serves as loading control. mAb
against KDEL receptor (BD Biosciences) serves as marker for
endoplasmic reticulum.
3. Oleic acid must be pre-complexed with fat free BSA to prevent
detergent effects of the unbound fatty acids as described [ 21 ].
When pipetting oleic acid, the tips of pipette should be cut off
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