Travel Reference
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At about this part of the Ramblas, you'll see the first of the drag's medley of surreal
and goofy human statues. These performers—with creative and elaborate costumes—must
audition and be registered by the city government; to avoid overcrowding, only 15 may be
at work along the Ramblas at any one time. To enliven your Ramblas ramble, stroll with a
pocket full of small change. As you wander downhill, drop coins into their cans (the money
often kicks them into entertaining gear). Warning: Wherever people stoptogawk,pickpock-
ets are at work.
• At #122 (the big, modern Citadines Hotel on the left, just behind the first bird kiosk), a
100-yard detour through the passageway leads to a recently discovered...
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