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BakI ng a t exture p rojeC t I on
BakI ng a t exture p rojeC t I on
In the axe handle texturing exercise, you grouped the 3dplacement node for the wood grain
to the handle of the axe to make the texture stick to the handle. But you can also bake the
texture onto the axe handle by converting the texture projection to a file node. By baking
the texture node, you convert the 3dplacement node into an image file that is then mapped
to the color channel of the material, discarding the projection node, so you needn't group it
with the handle as you did earlier.
Follow these steps to bake the wood-grain texture to the axe:
In the axe handle texturing exercise, you grouped the 3dplacement node for the wood grain
to the handle of the axe to make the texture stick to the handle. But you can also bake the
texture onto the axe handle by converting the texture projection to a file node. By baking
the texture node, you convert the 3dplacement node into an image file that is then mapped
to the color channel of the material, discarding the projection node, so you needn't group it
with the handle as you did earlier.
Follow these steps to bake the wood-grain texture to the axe:
Open the Hypershade.
Open the Hypershade.
Click to select the axe handle's Lay-
ered shader node, and MMB+click
and drag it to the work area of the
Click to select the axe handle's Lay-
ered shader node, and MMB+click
and drag it to the work area of the
Right-click it, and select Graph Net-
work to see all the nodes of the Lay-
ered shader (shown here).
Right-click it, and select Graph Net-
work to see all the nodes of the Lay-
ered shader (shown here).
Select the axe handle geometry, and
then Shift+click the texture node
wood2node in the Hypershade.
Select the axe handle geometry, and
then Shift+click the texture node
wood2node in the Hypershade.
Choose Edit Convert to File Texture
(Maya Software) r. In the option box, select an X Resolution and a Y Resolution of 512
each, and click Convert and Close. If you get an error when you convert, you can choose
Edit Delete Unused Nodes and try again. The shader rebuilds itself to create a texture
file, a material, and a shading group
node that is automatically assigned
to the selected geometry. Delete
all unused nodes again to clean up
the Hypershade window. Your new
Shader network should appear as
pictured here.
Choose Edit Convert to File Texture
(Maya Software) r. In the option box, select an X Resolution and a Y Resolution of 512
each, and click Convert and Close. If you get an error when you convert, you can choose
Edit Delete Unused Nodes and try again. The shader rebuilds itself to create a texture
file, a material, and a shading group
node that is automatically assigned
to the selected geometry. Delete
all unused nodes again to clean up
the Hypershade window. Your new
Shader network should appear as
pictured here.
Notice that the 3dplacement node, as
well as the Hypershade view, is removed
from the scene. Your axe handle's texture
now sticks to the handle as a mapped-file
texture instead.
Notice that the 3dplacement node, as
well as the Hypershade view, is removed
from the scene. Your axe handle's texture
now sticks to the handle as a mapped-file
texture instead.
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