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Place this code into a try-catch block with multiple catches so that different
error messages are printed if we attempt to divide by zero or if the user enters
textual data instead of integers ( java.util.InputMismatchException ). If either
of these conditions occurs then the program should loop back and let the user
enter new data.
Modify the previous exercise so that the snippet of code is placed inside a
method. The method should be named ReturnRatio and read the input from
the keyboard and throw different exceptions for divide by zero or input mis-
match between text and an integer. Create your own exception class for divide by
zero. Invoke ReturnRatio from your main method and catch the exceptions in
main . The main method should invoke the ReturnRatio method again if any
exception occurs.
(This is a version of an exercise from Chapter 5.) Programming Project 2 from
Chapter 5 asked you to create a class named Fraction . This class is used to rep-
resent a ratio of two integers. It should include mutator functions that allow the
user to set the numerator and the denominator along with a method that dis-
plays the fraction on the screen as a ratio (e.g., 5/9). Modify the class so that it
throws the exception DenominatorIs-ZeroException if the denominator is set to
zero. Don't forget to account for the constructors! You will have to create the
DenominatorIsZeroException class and it should be derived from Exception .
Write a main method that tests the new Fraction class, attempts to set the
denominator to zero, and catches the DenominatorIsZeroException exception.
Write a program that converts dates from numerical month/day/year format to
normal “month day, year” format (for example, 12/25/2000 corresponds to
December 25, 2000). You will define three exception classes, one called Month-
Exception , another called DayException , and a third called YearException . If
the user enters anything other than a legal month number (integers from 1 to
12 ), your program will throw and catch a MonthException and ask the user to
reenter the month. Similarly, if the user enters anything other than a valid day
number (integers from 1 to either 28 , 29 , 30 , or 31 , depending on the month and
year), then your program will throw and catch a DayException and ask the user
to reenter the day. If the user enters a year that is not in the range 1000 to 3000
(inclusive), then your program will throw and catch a Year-Exception and ask
the user to reenter the year. (There is nothing very special about the numbers
1000 and 3000 other than giving a good range of likely dates.) See Self-Test
Exercise 19 in Chapter 4 for details on leap years.
Write a program that can serve as a simple calculator. This calculator keeps track
of a single number (of type double ) that is called result and that starts out as
0.0 . Each cycle allows the user to repeatedly add, subtract, multiply, or divide by
a second number. The result of one of these operations becomes the new value of
result . The calculation ends when the user enters the letter R for “result” (either
in uppercase or lowercase). The user is allowed to do another calculation from
the beginning as often as desired.
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