Java Reference
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Self-Test Exercises
10. Define an exception class called PowerFailureException . The class should have a
constructor with no parameters. If an exception is thrown with this zero-argument
constructor, getMessage should return "Power Failure!" The class should also
have a constructor with a single parameter of type String . If an exception is
thrown with this constructor, then getMessage returns the value that was used as
an argument to the constructor.
11. Define an exception class called TooMuchStuffException . The class should have a
constructor with no parameters. If an exception is thrown with this zero-argument
constructor, getMessage should return "Too much stuff!" . The class should also
have a constructor with a single parameter of type String . If an exception is
thrown with this constructor, then getMessage returns the value that was used as
an argument to the constructor.
12. Suppose the exception class ExerciseException is defined as follows:
public class ExerciseException extends Exception
public ExerciseException()
super ("Exercise Exception thrown!");
System.out.println("Exception thrown.");
public ExerciseException(String message)
super (message);
"ExerciseException invoked with an argument.");
What output would be produced by the following code (which is just an exercise
and not likely to occur in a program)?
ExerciseException e =
new ExerciseException("Do Be Do");
extra code
on CD
The class ExerciseException is on the CD that comes with this text.
13. Suppose the exception class TestException is defined as follows:
public class TestException extends Exception
public TestException()
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