Chemistry Reference
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acts as a kind of Lewis acid and is widely
applicable to various organic reactions, for
instance isomerization, transformation of
functional groups, carbon-carbon bond
formation, including Diels-Alder reaction, and
so on [31]. As shown in Eq. 5.14 , a combination
of supporting salts and solvents allows three
kinds of products to be obtained selectively
from the same starting material [30].
Furthermore, EGAs are also highly effective for
the molecular transformation of organofluorine
compounds. For instance, as shown in Eq. 5.15 ,
the α-cation attached to the CF 3 group is
catalytically generated by the treatment of
trifluoromethylated O,S -acetal with an EGA,
and subsequently carbon nucleophiles are
readily introduced to the α-position [32].
However, use of other conventional Lewis acids
results in no formation of the desired product.
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