Game Development Reference
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@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0003:Y] >= 2
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0002:X] == 22
@>Transfer Player: [001:MAP001] (004,006), Right
: Branch End
That concludes this chapter on switches and variables. Here are two more exercises for you to stretch your mind with.
Using an event with Autorun, create a two-page event that greets the player with a text box
upon arriving at the second area.
As with Parallel Process events, I recommend you place this event somewhere that the
player cannot access.
Only the first page of the event should be Autorun. The second page should be blank, with
a trigger that is not Autorun or Parallel Process. Flipping a self-switch on page 1 and using
it as a conditional on page 2 would probably work best.
Using an event with Autorun, use the Fadeout and Fadein event commands to cause the
screen to black out momentarily and then reveal the treasure chest, instead of it popping
immediately into being.
The easiest way to accomplish this is by cheating a little. The chest is set to appear when
Tree is equal to 5. Make it so that the chest appears when Tree is equal to 6 . Then, with
Fadeout, you can create an Autorun when Tree is equal to 5, add 1 to the value of Tree,
and Fadein, in that order.
The use of a self-switch also comes recommended for this event. An Autorun left
unchecked will hang your game.
Tweak the five tree events so that they also display a text box that tells players how many
trees they have looked at up to that point.
Tool tips are your friend here. Place your cursor over the text box in the Show Text event
command and leave it there until the tool tip appears. You'll see a text option that allows
you to print the value of a variable as text.
Next, let's talk about a large part of what makes RPGs what they are: characters and enemies!
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