Game Development Reference
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The comment box above the method is pretty good about explaining what parameter goes where. For most
options, you'll only be using the first two parameters. The command name is defined in the Vocab module (the
specific terms list starts on line 113). The symbol used in the add_command method is the handle defined within
set_handler . The Continue option also uses the third parameter, which determines whether or not you can select it
from the menu. (When the player has no save files for the game, Continue will be grayed out.) .push is a method from
Ruby's Array class. As the method name implies, .push sends an object to the end of an array (the array, in this case,
being @list ). Going back to Window_GameoverCommand , we can see the format of an add_command object that accepts
two parameters.
add_command(Vocab::shutdown, :shutdown)
to summarize the menu logic: add_command adds options to menus while set_handler gives those options
their functionality. as proven already, you need both to create a new menu option.
The Title screen option is called in the form to_title . So, you would write the following in make_command_list to
add that command to Window_GameoverCommand .
add_command(Vocab::to_title, :to_title)
Place that one in between the two existent add_command expressions. Then, you would add the following line to
create_command_window in Scene_Gameover , so that the option actually does something when the player interacts
with it. I placed it between the Continue and Exit Game commands.
@command_window.set_handler(:to_title, method(:command_to_title))
Last, you need to add the command_to_title method itself, or the game will return an error telling you that the
method is undefined.
i named the method command_to_title , to keep with the naming conventions used for this command in
rMVxa. as it turns out, there is a preexisting method of the same name. More on that below.
As said in the note above, there's a preexisting method called command_to_title . In fact, running a search for
the method will return only four results, two of them being the instances of the term we added for this exercise. The
second result (line 48 of Scene_End ) contains what we're looking for. Here's the method:
def command_to_title
Copy-paste that method to the Scene_Gameover class you have tweaked, and we're done! Play-test your game and
cause a game over. If you have done everything correctly, the screen should look like Figure 14-5 .
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