Java Reference
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2 . Convert a map with the key's address and sensor into a query string.
3 . Transmit the resulting URL to the Google geocoder.
4 . Parse the results into the desired values.
The first step uses the collect method from Groovy, which takes a closure as an ar-
gument, applies the closure to each element of a collection, and returns a new collection
containing the results. I take the resulting collection and joined each of its elements into a
single string, using “,” as a separator:
String address = [street,city,state].collect {
Undeclared variables
The street, city, and state are not declared in the script. This adds them to the binding, mak-
ing them available to the caller.
To build a query string I add all the required parameters to a map called params . I'm also
requesting comma-separated values for the output, which is not available in the version 3
def params = [q:address, sensor:false, output:'csv', key:'ABQIAAAAaUT...']
Thevalueof sensor shouldbe true ifthisrequestiscomingfromaGPS-enableddevice
and false otherwise. The key is determined at registration (version 3 doesn't require a
key). The output is here set to CSV, so that the result is a string of comma-separated
values composed of the response code (hopefully 200), the magnification level, and the lat-
itude and longitude.
To convert the map into a query string, the collect method is used again. On a map, if a
collect is applied with a two-argument closure, the method automatically separates the
keys from the values. What I want here is to replace expressions like key:value with
strings like key=value . The complete URL is then found by concatenating the query
string to the base URL:
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