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String url = base + params.collect { k,v -> "$k=$v" }.join('&')
Finally, I take advantage of the Groovy JDK. In the Groovy JDK the String class
contains a method called toURL , which converts the String into an instance of . The URL class in the Groovy JDK includes a getText method, which
I can invoke as a text property.
Property access
In Groovy, the standard idiom is to access a property, which is automatically converted to
a getter or setter method.
The code to retrieve the desired CSV string is
Now I can use the split method on String, which divides the string at the commas and
returns a list containing the elements. I can then take advantage of Groovy's cool multival-
ued return capability to assign each value to an output variable.
The complete script is shown next and displayed graphically in figure 3.3 :
String address = [street,city,state].collect {
def params = [q:address,sensor:false,output:'csv',key:'ABQIAAAAaUT...']
String base = ''
String url = base + params.collect { k,v -> "$k=$v" }.join('&')
(code,level,lat,lng) = url.toURL().text.split(',')
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