Java Reference
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18 Leaving out Maggie, who sadly always seems to be an afterthought.
You're not limited to defining a single bean, of course. The next listing shows a test that
creates several beans and sets their relationships.
Listing 7.29. Defining several related beans with the BeanBuilder
void testBeanReferences() {
def bb = new BeanBuilder()
bb.beans {
homer(Bean1) {
person = "homer"
age = 45
props = [overweight:true, height:"1.8m"]
children = ["bart", "lisa"]
bart(Bean1) {
person = "bart"
age = 11
lisa(Bean1) {
person = "lisa"
age = 9
marge(Bean2) {
person = "marge"
bean1 = homer
children = [bart, lisa]
def ctx = bb.createApplicationContext()
def homer = ctx.getBean("homer")
def marge = ctx.getBean("marge")
def bart = ctx.getBean("bart")
def lisa = ctx.getBean("lisa")
assertEquals homer, marge.bean1
assertEquals 2, marge.children.size()
assertTrue marge.children.contains(bart)
assertTrue marge.children.contains(lisa)
The beans named homer , bart , and lisa are all instances of the Bean1 class. The
marge bean is an instance of Bean2 , which adds a reference of type Bean1 called
bean1 .Here the bean1 reference in marge isassigned to homer .The Bean1 class also
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