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The next listing contains another test in the test case that illustrates setting a bean's proper-
Listing 7.28. Setting bean properties in the BeanBuilder , from BeanBuilderTests
void testSimpleBean() {
def bb = new BeanBuilder()
bb.beans {
bean1(Bean1) {
person = "homer"
age = 45
props = [overweight:true, height:"1.8m"]
children = ["bart", "lisa"]
def ctx = bb.createApplicationContext()
assert ctx.containsBean("bean1")
def bean1 = ctx.getBean("bean1")
assertEquals "homer", bean1.person
assertEquals 45, bean1.age
assertEquals true, bean1.props?.overweight
assertEquals "1.8m", bean1.props?.height
assertEquals(["bart", "lisa"], bean1.children)
Inside the builder the syntax uses the bean name followed by the bean class in parentheses.
In this case, bean1 is the name or ID of an instance of the Bean1 class. Near the bottom
of the file you'll find the definition of Bean1 :
class Bean1 {
String person
int age
Properties props
List children
In fact, several beans are defined at the bottom of the class. Unlike Java, Groovy source
filescanhavemultipleclassesdefinedinthem.The Bean1 classcontainsattributesoftype
String , int , Properties , and List . The test case assigns the name to homer and
the age to 45 , uses the map syntax to assign the overweight and height properties,
and sets the list to the names of the children. [ 18 ] The tests then assert that the bean is in the
application context and that, after retrieving it, all the properties have been set as described.
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