Java Reference
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void testImportSpringXml() {
def bb = new BeanBuilder()
bb.beans {
importBeans "classpath:grails/spring/test.xml"
def ctx = bb.createApplicationContext()
def foo = ctx.getBean("foo")
assertEquals "hello", foo
To use BeanBuilder all you have to do is instantiate the class. This is similar to using
MarkupBuilder , SwingBuilder , AntBuilder , or any of the wide range of build-
ers written in Groovy. Here the builder is assigned to the variable bb , so using the builder
starts with bb.beans , which is like creating a root <beans> element in a Spring con-
figuration file. The curly braces then indicate child elements. Here the child element is an
importBeans element, which reads the file test.xml from the classpath. Before proceed-
ing, here's the text of test.xml:
<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?>
<beans xmlns= ""
xmlns:xsi= ""
xsi:schemaLocation= "" >
<bean id= "foo" class= "java.lang.String" >
<constructor-arg value= "hello" />
This is a typical beans configuration file containing a single bean definition. The bean is an
instance of java.lang.String whose value is hello and whose name is foo .
Returning to the test case, after importing the XML file the createApplicationCon-
text method isinvoked,whichmakes thebeansavailable throughtheapplication context.
Then the test calls getBean to return the foo bean and checks that its value is hello .
The conclusions to be drawn are that to use the BeanBuilder you must (1) instantiate
the class, (2) define the beans using normal builder syntax, (3) create the application con-
text from the builder, and (4) access and use the beans in the normal way.
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