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Dynamic Typing to The Rescue
If I declare a reference using def , I can assign it to anything. When I invoke methods on it
I'm relying on the methods being there in whatever class I've used.
The next listing shows the complete unit test for the file DAO.
Listing 6.21. FileAccountDAO unit test, using an Expando to stub the File
class FileAccountDAOUnitTests {
FileAccountDAO dao
void setUp() {
Expando ex = new Expando() = ''
ex.splitEachLine = { pattern, clos ->
data.splitEachLine(pattern, clos) }
ex.withWriter = { new StringWriter() }
ex. println = { data.append(it) }
dao = new FileAccountDAO(accountsFile:ex)
void testCreateAndFindNewAccount() {
int id = dao.createNewAccount(100.0)
Account local = new Account(id:id,balance:100.0)
Account fromDao = dao.findAccountById(id)
assertEquals local.balance, fromDao.balance, 0.01
void testFindAllAccounts() {
(1..10). each { num -> dao.createNewAccount(num*100) }
def accounts = dao.findAllAccounts()
assertEquals 10, accounts.size()
accounts*.balance. each { it in (100..1000) }
void testDeleteAccount() {
(1..10). each { num -> dao.createNewAccount(num*100) }
def accounts = dao.findAllAccounts()
assertEquals 10, accounts.size()
accounts. each { account -> dao.deleteAccount( }
assert 0 == dao.findAllAccounts().size()
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