Java Reference
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private void writeAccountsToFile() {
accountsFile. withWriter { w ->
accounts. each { id, account ->
w. println ("$id,$account.balance")
dirty = true
Examining the previous listing shows that I'm using splitEachLine and
withWriter in the File class and the println method from the Writer class, so
these methods need to be implemented in the Expando .
All of those methods are already implemented in the String class. Therefore, why not
use a string to represent the file? I'll add a string property to the Expando and then im-
plement all the needed methods so that they delegate to the corresponding methods on the
string. Here's the resulting code:
Expando ex = new Expando() = ''
ex. println = { data.append(it) }
ex.withWriter = { new StringWriter() }
ex.splitEachLine = { pattern, clos ->
data.splitEachLine(pattern, clos) }
First I instantiate the Expando . Next I add a data property to it and assign it to an
empty string. The println method is then implemented through the append method
on String . The withWriter method is assigned a closure that returns a new
StringWriter . Finally, the splitEachLine method is assigned to a two-argument
closure that delegates to the corresponding existing method on String .
All that's left is to substitute the Expando for the file in the DAO:
FileAccountDAO dao = new FileAccountDAO(accountsFile:ex)
Here at last is the reason Ineeded to declare the accountsFile variable with def rather
than File . An Expando isn't a file and isn't related to the File class in any way, so
a File reference would be a problem. If I use def to declare the variable instead, I can
freely assign the Expando variable to my variable. Duck typing does the rest; every time
a method is invoked on the variable, the corresponding method is called on the Expando .
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