Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
There's a decent bar-restaurant within the monastery grounds. The Santuari,
which is variously signposted as 'Santuari de Cura' or simply 'Cura', is 5km beyond
the small village of Randa, southwest of Algaida.
Montuïri & Around
Montuïri, on a sharp ridge 8km northeast of Randa on the Ma5017, is known for its
apricots. That very colour infuses the place with a soft glow in the early morning. The
sandstone Església de Sant Bartomeu dominates Plaça Major, through which runs Car-
rer Major, graced by the occasional mansion and bar.
A few kilometres south is Porreres , a typical inland Mallorcan town that has always
been a reasonably prosperous agricultural centre, sustained by wheat, fig, carob and wine
crops. The local winery is the main reason to pass through.
Museu Arqueològic de Son Fornés ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM
( 971 64 41 69; ; Carrer d'Emili Pou; adult/child €3.50/free;
10am-2pm & 4-7pm Mon-Fri Mar-Oct, shorter hours rest of year) On the eastern exit of town
heading for Lloret de Vistalegre (the Ma3220), this museum is housed in a cactus-fronted
former mill and explains the history of the Son Fornés talayot (watchtower), inhabited
from around 900 BC to the 4th century AD. The talayot is one of the most important on
the island and easy enough to visit. Head 2.5km northwest out of Montuïri on the
Ma3200 towards Pina and you'll see it to the right (east) of the road.
Three-hour guided tours of the museum, talayot and mill can be booked by calling
ahead; prices depend on group numbers.
Mesquida Mora WINERY
( 687 971457; ; Pas des Frare, Porreres; 9am-5pm Mon-Fri)
With a range of whites, reds and rosés, and a commitment to sustainable production, this
relative newcomer on Mallorca's winemaking scene is worth visiting - it arranges tast-
ings, bike rides and even meals with wines as the centrepiece.
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