Java Reference
In-Depth Information
To play an audio, create an audio clip from the URL object for the audio source. You
can use the AudioClip 's play() method to play it once, the loop() method to play
it repeatedly, and the stop() method to stop it.
Do the test questions for this chapter online at .
Pedagogical Note
For every applet in the exercise, add a main method to enable it to run as a stand-
alone application.
Sections 18.2-18.6
( Loan calculator ) Revise Listing 16.7,, to be an applet for
computing loan payment.
( Convert applications to applets ) Rewrite ClockAnimation in Listing 16.12
as an applet and enable it to run standalone.
( Guess capitals and states ) Revise Programming Exercise 9.17 to write an
applet that repeatedly prompts the user to enter a capital for a state or vice
versa, as shown in Figure 18.16a. Upon clicking the Answer button, the pro-
gram gets the user input from the text field, reports whether the answer is cor-
rect in a message dialog box (Figure 18.16b-c), shows the correct count and
total count, and then displays the next question. The user can specify whether
to let the program generate a question randomly or sequentially, and whether
to generate questions for a capital or a state.
F IGURE 18.16
The applet tests the user knowledge on states and capitals.
( Pass strings to applets ) Rewrite Listing 18.5,, to display a
message with a standard color, font, and size. The message , x , y , color ,
fontname , and fontsize are parameters in the <applet> tag, as shown below:
code = "Exercise18_04.class"
width = 200
height = 50
alt = "You must have a Java-enabled browser to view the applet"
< param name = MESSAGE value = "Welcome to Java" />
<param name = X value = 40 />
<param name = Y value = 50 />
<param name = COLOR value = "red" />
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