Java Reference
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The presentNation(index) method (lines 63-68) presents a nation with the specified
index. It sets a new image in the label (line 64), synchronizes with the combo box by setting
the selected index (line 65), and plays the new audio (line 67).
The applet's start and stop methods are overridden to resume and suspend the audio
(lines 70-78).
Which code sets the initial image icon? Which code plays the initial audio clip?
What does the program do when the Suspend button is clicked? What does the pro-
gram do when the Resume button is clicked?
applet 673
applet container
HTML 673
signed applet
1. JApplet is a subclass of Applet . It is used for developing Java applets with Swing
2. The applet class file must be specified, using the <applet> tag in an HTML file to
tell the Web browser where to find the applet. The applet can accept string parameters
from HTML using the <param> tag.
3. The applet container controls and executes applets through the init , start , stop ,
and destroy methods in the Applet class.
4. When an applet is loaded, the applet container creates an instance of it by invoking its
no-arg constructor. The init method is invoked after the applet is created. The
start method is invoked after the init method. It is also called whenever the applet
becomes active again after the page containing the applet is revisited. The stop
method is invoked when the applet becomes inactive.
5. The destroy method is invoked when the browser exits normally to inform the applet
that it is no longer needed and should release any resources it has allocated. The stop
method is always called before the destroy method.
6. Applications and applets are very similar. An applet can easily be converted into an
application, and vice versa. Moreover, an applet can be written with a main method to
run standalone.
7. You can pass arguments to an applet using the param attribute in the applet's tag in
HTML. To retrieve the value of the parameter, invoke the getParameter(paramName)
8. The Applet 's getParameter method can be invoked only after an instance of the
applet is created. Therefore, this method cannot be invoked in the constructor of the
applet class. You should invoke this method from the init method.
9. You learned how to incorporate images and audio in Java applications and applets. To
load audio and images for Java applications and applets, you have to create a URL object
for the audio and image file. The resource files must be stored in the class directory.
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