Java Reference
In-Depth Information
To distinguish between Swing and AWT (§12.2).
To describe the Java GUI API hierarchy (§12.3).
To create user interfaces using frames, panels, and simple GUI
components (§12.4).
To understand the role of layout managers and use the FlowLayout ,
GridLayout , and BorderLayout managers to lay out components in a
container (§12.5).
To use JPanel to group components in a subcontainer (§12.6).
To create objects for colors using the Color class (§12.7).
To create objects for fonts using the Font class (§12.8).
To apply common features such as borders, tool tips, fonts, and colors on
Swing components (§12.9).
To decorate the border of GUI components (§12.9).
To create image icons using the ImageIcon class (§12.10).
To create and use buttons using the JButton class (§12.11).
To create and use check boxes using the JCheckBox class (§12.12).
To create and use radio buttons using the JRadioButton class (§12.13).
To create and use labels using the JLabel class (§12.14).
To create and use text fields using the JTextField class (§12.15).
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