Java Reference
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Modify the withdraw and deposit methods to add a transaction to the
transactions array list.
All other properties and methods are the same as in Programming Exercise 8.7.
Write a test program that creates an Account with annual interest rate 1.5% , bal-
ance 1000 , id 1122 , and name George . Deposit $30, $40, and $50 to the account
and withdraw $5, $4, and $2 from the account. Print an account summary that
shows account holder name, interest rate, balance, and all transactions.
( Largest rows and columns ) Write a program that randomly fills in 0 s and 1 s into
an n-by-n matrix, prints the matrix, and finds the rows and columns with the most
1 s. ( Hint : Use two ArrayList s to store the row and column indices with the most
1 s.) Here is a sample run of the program:
Enter the array size n:
The random array is
The largest row index: 2
The largest column index: 2, 3
( Implement MyStack using inheritance ) In Listing 11.10 , MyStack is imple-
mented using composition. Define a new stack class that extends ArrayList .
Draw the UML diagram for the classes and then implement MyStack . Write a test
program that prompts the user to enter five strings and displays them in reverse
( Sort ArrayList ) Write the following method that sorts an ArrayList of numbers:
public static void sort(ArrayList<Integer> list)
Write a test program that prompts the user to enter 5 numbers, stores them in an
array list, and displays them in increasing order.
( Sum ArrayList ) Write the following method that returns the sum of all numbers
in an ArrayList :
public static double sum(ArrayList<Double> list)
Write a test program that prompts the user to enter 5 numbers, stores them in an
array list, and displays their sum.
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