Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Camera : This command automatically creates a camera that can be as-
sociated to a point (fixed camera) or a path (moving camera). The button
hides the box temporarily, allowing you to mark a point or to select a lin-
ear object. After selection, a box to introduce a name is displayed.
Target : This camera target can also be a point or it follows a path, which
is eventually the same as that of the camera's. The button allows you to
select the path or a point.
Animation Settings : Frame rate (FPS) defines how many frames per
second is the animation velocity. Number of frames controls how many
frames will have the animation. Duration (seconds) controls the anim-
ation duration. Modifying duration and the number of frames adjust ac-
cordingly. The Visual style list controls which visual style or render pre-
set will be used in the animation. Format allows you to choose the anim-
ation type between AVI, MOV, MPG, or WMV. Resolution allows you to
choose the resolution, the maximum being 1024 x 768 . With Corner de-
celeration checked, the animation slows down on the corners. Reverse
reverses the animation.
When previewing show camera preview : With this option unchecked,
the camera or target animates on the viewport, but no preview window
having the camera view is displayed when pressing the Preview button.
Preview... : This button displays an animation preview.
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