Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix A. Final Considerations
In this appendix, we include creating simple animations representing walkthroughs or
see-around import and export file formats, advices for exporting from AutoCAD to 3ds
Max and Revit, and development clues for 3D modelers.
The topics covered in this appendix are:
• How to create simple animations
• Preparing a model to export to other applications
• How to develop in 3D
Until now, we have seen everything for creating great models and obtaining excellent
rendered images. In this appendix we see how to create simple animations, how to
prepare a model and export it, and also suggest how to progress in 3D.
AutoCAD has limited capabilities for creating animations, which are described here.
With the next command, we may associate a camera and its target to points or paths
and animate it.
The ANIPATH command
The ANIPATH command (no alias) allows simulating a walkthrough or a see-around.
This command displays the Motion Path Animation dialog box where a camera can
be associated to a point or a path, and the camera target can also be associated to a
point or a path. Paths are linear objects, which were previously created.
This dialog box has the following areas and options, as displayed in the next screen-
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