Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Noise Threshold : These parameters fine-tune Low and High noise
threshold. Levels , used for turbulence or fractal noise, control the number
of iterations. Phase controls the animation speed.
Transforms : With Link texture transforms checked, all transformations
made in this panel are also applied to this texture that is applied to other
material characteristics such as relief. Offset in the Position option con-
trols the texture origin related to the model corner, in all 3D directions.
Rotation controls texture rotation in the three directions.
The Speckle texture simulates a base texture with small speckles. This is also a 3D
texture, used often to simulate relief and bump. It includes two panels:
Appearance : Color 1 controls speckle color and Color 2 controls base
color. Size controls speckle size.
Transforms : With Link texture transforms checked, all transformations
made in this panel are also applied to this texture that is applied to other
material characteristics such as relief. In Position , Offset controls the
texture origin related to the model corner, in all 3D directions. Rotation
controls texture rotation around the three directions.
The Waves texture simulates waves. This is also a 3D texture, used mainly to simu-
late bump. It includes three panels:
Appearance : Color 1 and Color 2 control both the colors that are mixed
to create the texture. Distribution specifies whether it is a 3D or 2D dis-
tribution of waves.
Waves : Number controls the number of wave sets, with a value from 1
to 50; higher values mean less calm water. Radius specifies the sphere
or circle radius. Len Min and Len Max define, respectively, the minim-
um and maximum intervals for wave center; the closer the values, the
more regular are the waves. Amplitude controls amplitude or frequency
of waves. Phase shifts the wave. Random Seed generates a new ran-
dom wave distribution within the same parameter.
Transforms : With Link texture transforms checked, all transformations
made in this panel are also applied to this texture that is applied to other
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