Geology Reference
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Hp olimnas (Nymphalidae). The genus, and some
of the species, are widely disributed in the Old
World tropics. In Africa 13 species occur, mainly
in lowland forest but two species (which also
extend throughout the Oriental and Australian
regions) are also found in open habitats. There
are eight species in the study area in addiion to
into the Mediterranean) (Henning, 1988). The
species are found throughout Africa in woodland
and forest. Although very popular with collectors
and subject of numerous papers and several
topics, Ch araxes species are not well known as
regards their phylogeneic relaionships. About 62
species are known from the study area in addiion
to those listed in Appendix 8.2. . xiphares and
acuminatus are also found in Cameroun, as separ-
ate subspecies.
Preis (Nymphalidae). There is a confusing use of
the names Preis and Junonia in the literature.
Together they are found almost world-wide with
the excepion of the greater part of the Palaearc-
ic. Carcasson (1981) disinguished between the
two for the African species. We shall not enter
into the debate but simply follow Carcasson here.
The confusion makes, however, the ext�nsion of
Precis sensu Carcasson outside Africa uncertain.
The genus numbers 15 species in Africa, flying in
arid habitats, marshy areas, woodland and forest.
Twelve species are found in the study area in
addiion to milonia, which is also found in
Cy mothoe (Nymphalidae). An African genus of 71
species, exclusively in orest at lower elevaions
except for the montane forest species listed in
Appendix 8.2. Apart from these highland species
13 more species occur in the study area.
Ku mothales (Nymphalidae). A monotypic genus
only known from easten Zare and southwesten
Ps euathyma (Nymphalidae). A small genus of
seven forest species found in West, Central and
East Africa. All but one occur in the study area in
Uganda, W Kenya, W Tanzania. P. uluuu is the
only species in the Easten Arc mountains.
Antanatia (Nymphalidae). An African genus of
six species, distributed throughout Africa in forest
and one species in highland grassland near forest
(see under Montane grasslands, p. 140). The two
species listed in Appendix 8.2 are not resricted to
easten Africa; schaeneia extends through the
mountains of east Zimbabwe to South Africa
(separate subspecies), while dimorphica, apart
from South Africa (same subspecies as in easten
Africa; not further south than north Transvaal), is
also found in Cameroun (separate subspecies),
and even in Grand Comoro. In addiion to these
species, wo more species occur in the study area;
the two remaining species of the genus are
resricted to Madagascar, Mauriius and Reunion.
The genus was monographed by Howarth (1966).
Pseuacraea (Nymphalidae). An African genus of
13 species found in woodland and forest
throughout Africa. Eight species are found in the
study area, in addiion to eluens.
Np tis (Nmphalidae). A large genus ound in the
Afrotropical, Palaearcic, Oriental and Australian
regions. In Africa 58 species are known. They live
in woodland and forest; six are found throughout
Africa. About 33 species occur in the study area in
addiion to those listed in Appendix 8.2. The
listed species are resricted to EAT, with the
excepion of occentalis, which is represented in
Cameroun by a separate subspecies.
Bematistes (Nymphalidae). An African genus with
23 species in forest (mainly lowland) throughout
Africa. There are 14 species in the study area in
addiion to the three listed in Appendix 8.2. B.
obliqua is represented in Cameroun by a separate
subspecies (the nominotypical one).
Salya (Nymphalidae). This genus is found
throughout the Afrotropical region and numbers
14 species in woodland and forest. There are nine
species in the study area in addiion to
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