Agriculture Reference
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vine roots. Plants may have large amounts of honeydew on the leaves that results in black
sooty mold.
Make sure to identify the mealybug (there are types other than the vine mealybug) and, if
present in large numbers, release the lady beetle known as the mealybug destroyer to treat
eggs and crawlers. Oil- or soap-based insecticides may control adults.
Weevils are small, 3 / 8 in. long, dark gray or brown insects with distinctive snouts. There
are several different kinds that affect vineyards. The larvae feed on grape roots through
most of the growing season. Adults may chew leaves, but the larvae do the most damage.
Beneficial nematodes may help control larvae; apply late in the growing season. Use com-
post to build up soil quality. Treat adults with a proprietary spray containing kaolin, a nat-
urally occurring clay (Surround is 95 percent kaolin), diatomaceous earth, or pyrethrins.
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