Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Sour Rot
This disease is caused by a mix of yeast and bacteria and is often found with other
fungal diseases. The condition affects some varieties more than others: Pinot Blanc, Pinot
Gris, Pinto Noir, Riesling, and Chardonnay are all susceptible.
Fruit discolors and rots, with leaking juice and a smell like vinegar. You will usually
find fruit flies and larvae in large numbers. The condition seems to enter grapes through
wounds caused by other diseases, or by wasps, birds, or other sources.
Avoid making large pruning wounds during early winter rains. In milder climates, you can
prune late in winter, which tends to prevent most wintering pests and diseases. Organic
barrier products applied to pruning wounds may help prevent infection during hazardous
periods. Bordeaux mixture applied around veraison may help. Control wasps and birds. Re-
move affected grapes and destroy.
A number of common animal pests cause vineyard damage in almost every region of
North America. Deer, for instance, are a widespread and growing threat, even in suburban
or urban neighborhoods. Likewise, most growers find they have to deal with hungry birds.
In the West and Midwest, gophers may be the biggest problem, whereas in the Northeast,
raccoons may cause the most damage. You will soon learn which animals are preying on
your vineyard and how to deal with them.
Deer can devastate a vineyard. If your vineyard is vulnerable to grazing deer, you must
either build a fence or have your vineyard devoured by them. Deer will most often come
into populated areas when the green grazing plants in their previous neighborhood are de-
pleted. That is when they will eye your vineyard. Deer mostly feed at night, but when they
are hungry they can be quite brazen in your vineyard at any time of day. They can strip
your vines down to the canes, and are especially fond of tender young shoots.
If you have horses, cattle, llamas, or other large grazing animals, they can cause the
same damage as deer—and they will make a mess of the vineyard floor as well.
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