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Table 2. Design elements that support requirements listed in Table 1
ID Element Description
A Simple IKMI
B1 OpenLDAP based IKMI
B2 Active Directory based IKMI
B3 Oracle Identity Directory based IKMI
C Ad-hoc SSO
D Network Intrusion Detection System
E Common application gateway for External
Boundary Protection System
F Centralized Policy Decision Point (PDP)
G Application-based
Boundary Protection System
Each element in this table can support (or fulfill) requirements listed in columns. To prevent useless
redundancy, some elements are exclusive to due to functionality overlapping ( e.g., A, B1, B2 and
B3 are mutual exclusive each other).
and a sequence number. There are compulsory requirements ( i.e. they are es-
sential at the time the system is designed) and optional ones ( i.e. they can be
ignored at present, but might be critical sometime in the future). Solutions for
these requirements are listed in Table 2. Each solution has an IDentifier, a short
description and a checklist of requirements that it can fulfill.
3 Modeling Requirement Evolution
In this section, we describe how we model evolution, which essentially affects to
any further analysis. We capture evolutions by classifying them into two groups:
. Furthermore, we include in this section the game-
theoretic account for probability.
3.1 Evolution on Requirement Model: Controllable and Observable
Stakeholder requirements, mostly in textual format, are their wishes about the
system-to-be. Analyzing requirements in such format is dicult and inecient.
Designer thus has to model requirements and design decisions by using various
approaches ( e.g., model-based, goal-based) and techniques ( e.g., DFD, UML).
Generally, a requirement model is a set of elements and relationships, which
depend on particular approach. For instance, according to Jackson and Zave [30],
model elements are Requirements , Domain assumptions , Specifications ; in a goal-
based model ( e.g., i*), elements are goals, actors and so on.
Here we do not investigate any specific requirement model ( e.g., goal-based
model, UML models), nor go to details about how many kinds of element and
relationship a model would have. The choice of a one's favorite model to represent
these aspects can be as passionate as the choice of a one's religion or football
team, so it is out of scope. Instead, we treat elements at abstract meaning, and
only be interested in the satisfaction relationship among elements.
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