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Table 3. Gold standard based lexical and taxonomic comparison
Lexical Taxonomi c
Precision 0.261 0.743 0.183 0.745
0.480 0.077 0.434 0.123
0.240 0.006 0.244 0.025
0.723 0.023 0.711 0.783
F-Measure 0.044 0.011 0.043 0.049
0.577 0.035 0.539 0.212
may miss important concepts and relationships and a good algorithm that finds
concepts and relationships manually verified to be correct may get penalized
unfairly. We will return to this point. The full version of this paper [20] shows
the formal definitions of the measures and the detailed results. Due to space
limitations, we only cover the highlights in this paper.
We looked at the 25 highest-level concepts common across the five algorithms.
Table 3 shows the results. Bolded entries represent the best performance.
ONTECTAS has the second highest overall lexical recall and f-measure, which
shows that it did well at finding the desired concepts. While DAG had the highest
lexical precision and f-measure, and BB had the highest lexical recall, they both
did very poorly on taxonomic precision, leading to a low taxonomic f-measure.
LFZ had a very good lexical precision; however, this is achieved by reporting a
very small number of correct concepts. ONTECTAS is superior to LFZ in terms
of all three taxonomic measures.
Because the 25 highest level common concepts were very uneven in size, we
performed an analysis of the 6 largest subtrees — otherwise algorithms would
be testing against subtrees that were only one or two concepts large. When we
considered only the 6 largest subtrees, ONTECTAS had the best lexical and
taxonomic f-measure.
Comparing to a gold standard shows how well algorithms do against a man-
ually created ontology. But since a gold standard ontology is static, this metric
may unfairly penalize algorithms that genuinely find correct concepts and rela-
tionships. E.g., “dialect” and “software
technology” is incorrect according
to this standard. Thus, comparing algorithms should take into account other
components discussed above as well.
8 Conclusion and Future Work
We proposed an algorithm (ONTECTAS) for building ontologies of keywords
from collaborative tagging systems. ONTECTAS uses association rule mining,
bi-gram pruning, exploiting pairs of tags with the same child, and lexico-syntactic
patterns to detect relationships between tags. We also provided a thorough anal-
ysis of ONTECTAS and how it compares to other algorithms. Some of the
important open problems include detecting spam users, improving accuracy of
ontology extraction via supervised learning and by means of incorporation of
part-of-speech detection. Our ongoing work addresses some of these.
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