Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 5. Verifying the WSL map at fig. 3
One informs about the lack of the optional Presentation node which, in this
example, is due to a misspelling ( “Presentationnn” ). The other warning notifies
about a common mistake in wiki construction: setting a relatedWith relationship
between an article and a category. This is an odd situation that could be mistaken
with the belongsTo relationship, and so is it indicated. As for errors, they prevent
the wiki from being generated. For our sample case, these errors include: a
misspelling of an event date (e.g., “01/19/2011” ); referring to a non-existent
node (e.g., “Software desiNG” ); partial definition of a restriction where either the
denial, the employee or the article is missing (e.g., restriction ); unsupported
document extension (e.g., extension “XMK” is not supported; so far, only XML
and TXT files can become page content).
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