HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
The idea of the Web app is to take a movie title inputted by the user, run it through TMDb ' s
API, and return the relevant poster. The user could then share it or save it to their computer.
The Web app is split into HTML, CSS and jQuery. We'll focus on the jQuery, because that's
where the magic happens.
Below is the basic structure of the Web app. Nothing special here.
<!DOCTYPE html>
< html >
< head >
< meta name =" author " content =" Ben Howdle and Dan Matthew ">
< meta name =" description " content =" A responsive movie poster grabber ">
< title > Front Row by Ben Howdle </ title >
< meta name =" viewport " content =" width = device-width, minimum-scale = 1.0,
maximum-scale = 1.0 ">
< script src ="
jquery-1.6.2.min.js "></ script >
<!--jQuery, linked from a CDN-->
< script src =" scripts.js "></ script >
< script type =" text/javascript " src ="
oya4cmx.js "></ script >
< script type =" text/javascript "> try { Typekit . load ();} catch ( e ){}</ script >
< link rel =" stylesheet " href =" style.css " />
</ head >
< body >
< div class =" container ">
< header >
< h1 > Front Row </ h1 >
</ header >
< section id =" fetch ">
< input type =" text " placeholder =" Enter a movie title " id =" term " />
< button id =" search "> Find me a poster </ button >
</ section >
< section id =" poster ">
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