Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Objective complete - mini debriefing
In this section, we learned how to use the WWWForm and WWW objects to post and load the
high score from/to the server. We also used the MD5 encryption to encrypt the key before
posting the data to protect it from unwanted users. Then, we used the
StartCoroutine() function to wait for the response from the server.
First, we created the ServerHiScore script to send and receive the user data from the
server database. In the Initialize() function, we set the maximum number of users
that will be shown in the UI. We also set the PHP URL for communication with the server
Next, we have the WaitingForResponse() function, which will wait for the response
from the server and check if the sending request succeeds. Then, we checked if there is any
callback function to call. If there is a callback function, we will call it after the communica-
tion has been finished. Finally, we just cleared all data using www.Dispose() .
Then, in the SaveUserData() function, we first created WWWForm . Then, we used Ad-
dField("action", "PostScore"); , which will tell PHP that we want to send the
score by setting action to PostScore . The action parameter and PostScore value
are set in the PHP code, which you can see in HiScore.php by navigating to Chapter8 |
PHP in the Project view included with the package. Then, we added hash filed with the
MD5 encryption value of the combination of , user.score , and
hashKey . We also added the score and name fields and set their value to the WWWForm
object. In the last line, we used the StartCoroutine(WaitingForResponse(new
WWW(_phpUrl, _wwwForm), null)); function to wait for the response from the
server. The StartCoroutine() function basically takes IEnumerator , which is the
WaitingForResponse(new WWW(_phpUrl, _wwwForm), null)) function
here. This function basically creates the WWW object that sends the WWWForm object to the
specific _phpUrl variable. It also takes the function to callback when it is finished.
For more information on WWWForm and WWW , visit the following links:
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