Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
to get 2.5D versions. Starting with GDAL 1.10, PROMOTE_TO_MULTI can be
used to automatically promote layers that mix polygon or multipolygons to mul-
tipolygons, and layers that mix linestrings or multilinestrings to multilinestrings.
Can be useful when converting shapefiles to PostGIS (and other target drivers)
that implements strict checks for geometry type.
-dim val
(starting with GDAL 1.10) Force the coordinate dimension to val (valid values
are 2 or 3). This affects both the layer geometry type, and feature geometries.
Starting with GDAL 2.0, the value can be set to “layer_dim” to instruct feature
geometries to be promoted to the coordinate dimension declared by the layer.
-a_srs srs_def
Assign an output SRS
-t_srs srs_def
Reproject/transform to this SRS on output
-s_srs srs_def
Override source SRS
Use the FID of the source features instead of letting the output driver to automat-
ically assign a new one.
-fid fid
If provided, only the feature with this feature id will be reported. Operates exclu-
sive of the spatial or attribute queries. Note: if you want to select several features
based on their feature id, you can also use the fact the 'fid' is a special field
recognized by OGR SQL. So, '-where “fid in (1,3,5)”' would select features 1, 3
and 5. Srs_def can be a full WKT definition (hard to escape properly), or a well
known definition (ie. EPSG:4326) or a file with a WKT definition. Advanced
options :
gt n
group n features per transaction (default 200). Increase the value for better per-
formance when writing into DBMS drivers that have transaction support.
xmin ymin xmax ymax PIPE WKT datasource PIPE spat_extent: (starting with
GDAL 1.7.0) clip geometries to the specified bounding box (expressed in source
SRS), WKT geometry (POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON), from a datasource or
to the spatial extent of the -spat option if you use the spat_extent keyword. When
specifying a datasource, you will generally want to use it in combination of the
-clipsrclayer, -clipsrcwhere or -clipsrcsql options
-clipsrcsql sql_statement
Select desired geometries using an SQL query instead.
-clipsrclayer layername
Select the named layer from the source clip datasource.
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