Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
-clipsrcwhere expression
Restrict desired geometries based on attribute query.
-clipdst xmin ymin xmax ymax
(starting with GDAL 1.7.0) clip geometries after reprojection to the specified
bounding box (expressed in dest SRS), WKT geometry (POLYGON or MUL-
TIPOLYGON) or from a datasource. When specifying a datasource, you will
generally want to use it in combination of the -clipdstlayer, -clipdstwhere or
-clipdstsql options
-clipdstsql sql_statement
Select desired geometries using an SQL query instead.
-clipdstlayer layername
Select the named layer from the destination clip datasource.
-clipdstwhere expression
Restrict desired geometries based on attribute query.
(starting with GDAL 1.7.0) split geometries crossing the dateline meridian (long.
=+ /
(starting with GDAL 1.10) offset from dateline in degrees (default long.
=+ /
10deg, geometries within 170deg to -170deg will be splited)
-simplify tolerance
(starting with GDAL 1.9.0) distance tolerance for simplification. Note: the algo-
rithm used preserves topology per feature, in particular for polygon geometries,
but not for a whole layer.
-segmentize max_dist
(starting with GDAL 1.6.0) maximum distance between 2 nodes. Used to create
intermediate points
-fieldTypeToString type1, ...
(starting with GDAL 1.7.0) converts any field of the specified type to a field of
type string in the destination layer. Valid types are : Integer, Real, String, Date,
Time, DateTime, Binary, IntegerList, RealList, StringList. Special value All can
be used to convert all fields to strings. This is an alternate way to using the CAST
operator of OGR SQL, that may avoid typing a long SQL query.
(starting with GDAL 2.0) set field width and precision to 0.
(starting with GDAL 1.8.0) split fields of type StringList, RealList or IntegerList
into as many fields of type String, Real or Integer as necessary.
-maxsubfields val
To be combined with -splitlistfields to limit the number of subfields created for
each split field.
(starting with GDAL 1.8.0) produce one feature for each geometry in any kind
of geometry collection in the source file
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