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Fourth panel - Users Tweeting about #hashtag
In the fourth panel, we see Impressions , Followers , Tweets , and Tweet Text for users
tweeting about #hashtag :
Impressions, Followers, Tweets, and Tweet Text for users tweeting about #hashtag
The code used here is as follows:
index=twitter justinbieber in_reply_to_screen_name=justinbieber
| fields entities.user_mentions{}.screen_name user.followers_count text
| rename entities.user_mentions{}.screen_name as mentions | mvexpand mentions |
search mentions=justinbieber
| stats sum(user.followers_count) as Impressions max(user.followers_count) as Follow-
ers count as Tweets values(text) as "Tweet Text" by user.screen_name
| sort 20 -Impressions
This shows the screen_names of the people tweeting in reply to a tweet with
@justinbieber that use a hashtag, then shows the impressions and the followers for
each, the number of times they tweeted (during this time period), and the actual tweet text.
The table is sorted by the number of impressions (descending).
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