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Third panel - Users Retweeting @user
In the following screenshot, we see counts for Impressions , Followers , Tweets , and Tweet
Text for users retweeting @user :
Counts for Impressions, Followers, Tweets and Tweet Text for users retweeting @user
The code used here is as follows:
index=twitter retweeted_status.user.screen_name=justinbieber
| stats sum(user.followers_count) as Impressions max(user.followers_count) as Follow-
ers count as Tweets values(text) as "Tweet Text" by user.screen_name
| sort 20 -Impressions
This panel takes those who retweeted a tweet containing @justinbieber , then creates
the Impressions and Followers fields and shows them, and then lists those tweets in des-
cending order.
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