Biology Reference
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Fig. 5. Secondary structure of pRNA on phi29 bacteriophage. (A) Secondary
structure of wild-type pRNA A-b´ . The binding domain (shaded area) and
the DNA translocation domain are marked with bold lines. The four bases in
the right and left loops, which are responsible for inter-RNA interactions, are
boxed. (B) A 3D-model of the viral packaging motor. (C) Diagrams depict-
ing the formation of pRNA hexamer ring and its location in the phi29 DNA
packaging machine. Hexamer formation is via right-and-left-loop sequence
interactions of pRNA A-b´ and B-a´ . (Adpated from Ref. 151, with permis-
sion from the author and the publisher, Elsevier.)
packaging activity can be detected, which was not possible with previ-
ously used DNA packaging assays.
Therefore, it is now an appropriate time to test whether the bino-
mial distribution approach can be applied to the determination of
protein stoichiometry.
Determination of the Stoichiometry, Z
Equation (1) can be used to predict the level of mutants. For exam-
ple, if the total number of pRNAs per procapsid required for DNA
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