Environmental Engineering Reference
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τ ff = c + (
σ f - u a ) f tan
b + (
τ ff = c
+ (u a - u w ) f tan
σ f - u a ) f tan
c 3
c 2
c 1
Net normal stress, (
σ - u a )
Figure 11.11 Horizontal projection of failure envelope onto τ versus σ
u a plane viewed
parallel to matric suction u a
u w axis as contour lines of failure envelope on σ
u a plane.
The inclusion of matric suction in the definition of the
cohesion intercept does not necessarily suggest that matric
suction is a cohesion component of shear strength. Rather,
the matric suction component
tan φ and a slope angle of φ b . The horizontal projection
shows that there is an increase in shear strength as the net
normal stress is increased with matric suction held constant.
u w tan φ b ]
is lumped with effective cohesion c for the purpose
of translating the three-dimensional failure envelope
onto a two-dimensional representative plot. The suction
component of shear strength has also been called the
apparent or total cohesion (Taylor, 1948).
A smooth transition from an unsaturated condition to sat-
urated conditions can be demonstrated using the extended
Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope shown in Fig. 11.9. As the
soil becomes saturated, matric suction goes to zero and the
pore-water pressure approaches the pore-air pressure. The
three-dimensional failure envelope is consequently reduced
to the two-dimensional envelope of τ versus σ
u a
11.2.8 Use of
σ u w and
u a u w to Define Shear
The shear strength equation has thus far been expressed
using σ
u w as the stress state variables. How-
ever, the shear strength equation for an unsaturated soil can
also be expressed in terms of other combinations of stress
state variables, such as σ
u a and u a
u w and u a
u w :
c + σ f
u w f
tan φ + u a
u w f
tan φ
τ ff =
σ f
u w .The
smooth transition between unsaturated and saturated soil
conditions can also be observed in Fig. 11.11. The failure
envelope projection gradually lowers onto the failure enve-
lope for the saturated soil as matric suction decreases. The
cohesion intercept c then becomes equal to the effective
cohesion c .
The extended Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope can also
be projected horizontally onto the τ versus- u a
u w f
net normal stress state with respect to
pore-water pressure on the failure plane
at failure and
φ =
friction angle associated with the matric
suction stress state variable u a
u w f
when using the σ
u w
stress state variables in formulating the
shear strength equation.
u w and u a
u w plane
(Fig. 11.12). The horizontal projection is made for vari-
ous net normal stresses at failure, σ f
u a f . The resulting
It should be noted that the stress variables and the soil
properties in Eq. 11.14 are changed in such a way that the
contour lines have an ordinate intercept of c + σ f
u a f
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