Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Author: Joseph Faisal Nusairat
Author: James Shingler
ISBN: 9781430210450
Publication Year: 2008
Publisher: Apress
<response>book updated</response>
Title: Advanced C++
Author: James O. Coplien
ISBN: 0201548550
Publication Year: 1992
Publisher: Addison Wesley
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Note To simplify this chapter's discussion of web services, I've avoided mention
of threads and thread synchronization, until now. According to the JAX-WS 2.2 spe-
cification (
jaxws-2.2-mrel3-evalu-oth-JSpec/ )clientproxyinstances(returnedfrom
Service 's getPort() methods)arenotguaranteed tobethreadsafe.Also, Dis-
patch instances(returnedfrom Service 's createDispatch() methods)arenot
thread safe. In either case, you must use thread synchronization when these instances
will be accessed from multiple threads.
The following exercises are designed to test your understanding of Java's web ser-
vices support:
1. Create a SOAP-based Library web service that recognizes two operations,
expressed via methods void addBook(String isbn, String
title) and String getTitle(String isbn) . Create a
LibraryClient application that invokes addBook() followed by
getTitle() to test this web service.
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