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bespecifiedasaURI,whichhappenstobe http://localhost:9902/library
in this example.
After adding a port to the Service object, doGet() invokes createDis-
patch() as explained earlier. Once again, a QName object with an empty qualified
name is passed because there is no WSDL to indicate a port name.
The returned Dispatch<Source> object's Map<String,Object>
getRequestContext() method (which Dispatch inherits from its Bind-
ingProvider superinterface) is called to obtain the context that is used to initialize
the message context for request messages. doGet() inserts the request method verb
( GET ) and query string ( isbn= isbn ) into this map, which will be made available to
the provider.
At this point, doGet() executes Source result = dis-
patch.invoke(null); ,passing null insteadofa Source objectasanargument
becausetheprovider's doGet() methodexpectstoreceiveitsdataasaquerystring.If
tionandexits doGet() .Otherwise,the result object'sXMLcontentistransformed
intoa DOMResult object,whichisprocessedvia XPath expressionstoobtainresult
data, which is then output.
Ifyouweretorun LibraryClient with Listing11-24 ' s doGet() method,andif
observe the following output:
<response>book inserted</response>
<response>book inserted</response>
Title: Advanced C+
Author: James O. Coplien
ISBN: 0201548550
Publication Year: 1992
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Title: Beginning Groovy and Grails
Author: Christopher M. Judd
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