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If we replace the list slices and the list indexes with the values that they represent, the
unrolled loop code would be the same as this:
if 'o' in 'tr': # Condition is False, blanks ==
blanks = '' + 'o' + '____' # This line is skipped.
if 't' in 'tr': # Condition is True, blanks ==
blanks = '_' + 't' + '___' # This line is
if 't' in 'tr': # Condition is True, blanks ==
blanks = '_t' + 't' + '__' # This line is
if 'e' in 'tr': # Condition is False, blanks ==
blanks = '_tt' + 'e' + '_' # This line is skipped.
if 'r' in 'tr': # Condition is True, blanks ==
blanks = '_tt_' + 'r' + '' # This line is
# blanks now has the value '_tt_r'
The above three code examples all do the same thing (at least, they do when
secretWord is 'otter' and correctLetters is 'tr' . The first box is the actual
code we have in our game. The second box shows code that does the same thing except
without a for loop. The third box is the same as the second box, except we have evaluated
many of the expressions in the second box.
The next few lines of code display the new value of blanks with spaces in between
each letter.
81. for letter in blanks: # show the secret word with
spaces in between each letter
82. print(letter, end=' ')
83. print()
This for loop will print out each character in the string blanks . Remember that by
now, blanks may have some of its underscores replaced with the letters in
secretWord . The end keyword argument in line 82's print() call makes the print
() function put a space character at the end of the string instead of a newline character.
This is the end of the displayBoard() function.
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