Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
9 - Hangman
Get the Player's Guess
The getGuess() function we create next will be called whenever we want to let the
player type in a letter to guess. The function returns the letter the player guessed as a string.
Further, getGuess() will make sure that the player types a valid letter before returning
from the function.
85. def getGuess(alreadyGuessed):
86. # Returns the letter the player entered. This
function makes sure the player entered a single letter,
and not something else.
The getGuess() function has a string parameter called alreadyGuessed which
contains the letters the player has already guessed, and will ask the player to guess a single
letter. This single letter will be the return value for this function.
87. while True:
88. print('Guess a letter.')
89. guess = input()
90. guess = guess.lower()
We will use a while loop because we want to keep asking the player for a letter until
they enter text that is a single letter they have not guessed previously. Notice that the
condition for the while loop is simply the Boolean value True . That means the only way
execution will ever leave this loop is by executing a break statement (which leaves the
loop) or a return statement (which leaves the entire function). Such a loop is called an
infinite loop , because it will loop forever (unless it reaches a break statement).
The code inside the loop asks the player to enter a letter, which is stored in the variable
guess . If the player entered a capitalized letter, it will be converted to lowercase on line
elif ("Else If") Statements
Take a look at the following code:
if catName == 'Fuzzball':
print('Your cat is fuzzy.')
print('Your cat is not very fuzzy at all.')
We've seen code like this before and it's rather simple. If the catName variable is equal
to the string 'Fuzzball' , then the if statement's condition is True and we tell the user
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