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→ “Frutta” ['frut:a] (fruit). You may get a colourful MACEDONIA [matʃe'donia] (fruit
salad), FRUTTA FRESCA ['frut:a 'freska] (fresh fruit) such as MELE ['mele] (apples),
BANANE [ba'nane] (bananas), ARANCE [a'rantʃe] (oranges), ALBICOCCHE [albi'kok:e]
(apricots), PESCHE ['peske] (peaches), ANGURIA [an'guria] (watermelon) and UVA
['uva] (grapes), depending on the season, or FRUTTA SECCA ['frut:a 'sek:a] (dried fruit),
such as NOCI ['notʃi] (walnuts), MANDORLE [man'dorle] (almonds) and NOCCIOLE
[no'tʃ:ole] (hazelnuts).
→ “Dolce” ['doltʃe] (dessert). This is the best part of the meal for many people, even if
(tart) DI FRUTTA [di 'fru't:a] (fruit tart) or ALLA NUTELLA [al:a nutel:a] (nutella tart)
and SORBETTO AL LIMONE [sor'bet:o al li'mone] (lemon sorbet).
But that's not all! They still need a
→ “Caffè” [ka'f:æ] (coffee). Note: Italian people will never have a cappuccino at this
time of the day, but just an ESPRESSO [es'pres:o] or a CORRETTO for example ALLA
SAMBUCA [ko'r:et:o al:a sam'buka] (coffee laced with Sambuca, or grappa or rum...);
CAPPUCCINO is only meant for breakfast!
Now it is the best time for a
→ “Digestivo” [didʒe'stivo] (digestives): with the excuse they have eaten a lot, they
think they have to drink some liqueurs to facilitate their digestion. The typical Italian
AMMAZZACAFFÈ [am:ats:aka'f:æ] (literally “coffee killer”) are the LIMONCELLO [li-
mon'tʃel:o] (a liqueur made with lemon), VINSANTO E CANTUCCINI [vin'santo e kan-
tutʃ:ini] (sweet white wine served with biscotti cookies, that may be dunked into the wine),
GRAPPA ['grap:a], SAMBUCA [sam'buka] (anise flavoured liqueur), NOCINO [no'tʃino]
(liqueur made with walnuts), AMARO [a'maro] (herbal liqueur).
After a lunch like this, it is hard to think of another snake, but the bravest, and generally the
children, that never eat all the above mentioned things, have a second “merenda” around 4
“La Cena”
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