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τ 1
τ 2
τ n
Figure 7.16
Deadlock among n tasks.
however, by the transitivity of the protocol, task τ n would inherit the priority of τ 1 ,
which is assumed to be higher than P n . This contradicts Lemma 7.6, and hence the
theorem follows.
Theorem 7.4 (Sha, Rajkumar, Lehoczky) Under the Priority Ceiling Protocol, a task
τ i
can be blocked for at most the duration of one critical section.
Proof. Suppose that τ i is blocked by two lower-priority tasks τ 1 and τ 2 , where
P 2 <P 1 <P i . Let τ 2 enter its blocking critical section first, and let C 2 be the
highest-priority ceiling among all the semaphores locked by τ 2 . In this situation, if
task τ 1
>C 2 . Moreover, since we
enters its critical section we must have that P 1
C 2 . This means that
assumed that τ i
can be blocked by τ 2 , we must have that P i
C 2
P i
<P 1 . This contradicts the assumption that P i
>P 1 . Thus, the theorem
The evaluation of the maximum blocking time for each task can be computed based
on the result of Theorem 7.4. According to this theorem, a task τ i can be blocked for
at most the duration of the longest critical section among those that can block τ i . The
set of critical sections that can block a task τ i
is identified by the following lemma.
Lemma 7.8 Under the Priority Ceiling Protocol, a critical section z j,k
to task τ j
and guarded by semaphore S k ) can block a task τ i
only if P j
<P i
C ( S k )
P i .
Proof. Clearly, if P j
P i , τ i cannot preempt τ j
and hence cannot be blocked on z j,k .
Now assume P j
<P i
and C ( S k ) <P i , and suppose that τ i
is blocked on z j,k .We
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