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τ 0
τ i
τ k
Figure 7.15
An absurd situation that cannot occur under the Priority Ceiling Protocol.
Lemma 7.6 If a task τ k is preempted within a critical section Z a by a task τ i that
enters a critical section Z b , then, under the Priority Ceiling Protocol, τ k cannot inherit
a priority higher than or equal to that of task τ i until τ i completes.
If τ k
inherits a priority higher than or equal to that of task τ i
before τ i
completes, there must exist a task τ 0 blocked by τ k , such that P 0
P i . This situation
is shown in Figure 7.15. However, this leads to the contradiction that τ 0 cannot be
blocked by τ k . In fact, since τ i enters its critical section, its priority must be higher
than the maximum ceiling C of the semaphores currently locked by all lower-priority
tasks. Hence, P 0
>C . But since P 0
>C , τ 0
P i
cannot be blocked by τ k , and
the lemma follows.
Lemma 7.7 The Priority Ceiling Protocol prevents transitive blocking.
Proof. Suppose that a transitive block occurs; that is, there exist three tasks τ 1 , τ 2 ,
and τ 3 , with decreasing priorities, such that τ 3 blocks τ 2 and τ 2 blocks τ 1 . By the
transitivity of the protocol, τ 3 will inherit the priority of τ 1 . However, this contradicts
Lemma 7.6, which shows that τ 3
cannot inherit a priority higher than or equal to P 2 .
Thus, the lemma follows.
Theorem 7.3 The Priority Ceiling Protocol prevents deadlocks.
Proof. Assuming that a task cannot deadlock by itself, a deadlock can only be formed
by a cycle of tasks waiting for each other, as shown in Figure 7.16. In this situation,
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