Java Reference
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The cast to type char of the initial value for letter2 is essential. Without it, the code does not compile.
The expression letter1+2 produces a result of type int , and the compiler does not insert an automatic
cast to allow the value to be used as the initial value for letter2 .
The next statement outputs three characters:
System.out.println("Here\'s a sequence of letters: "+ letter1 +
letter2 +
The first two characters displayed are those stored in letter1 and letter2 . The third character is the
value stored in letter3 after the variable has been incremented by 1.
By default the println() method treats a variable of type char as a character for output. You can still
output the value stored in a char variable as a numerical value simply by casting it to type int . The next
statement demonstrates this:
System.out.println("Here are the decimal codes for the
letter1 + ": " + (int)letter1 +
" " + letter2 + ": " + (int)letter2 +
" " + letter3 + ": " + (int)letter3);
This statement outputs the value of each of the three variables as a character followed by its decimal
Of course, you may prefer to see the character codes as hexadecimal values. You can display any value
of type int as a hexadecimal string by enlisting the help of a static method that is defined in the In-
teger class in the standard library. Add an extra output statement to the example as the last statement in
main() :
System.out.println("Here are the hexadecimal codes for the
letter1 + ": " +
Integer.toHexString(letter1) +
" " + letter2 + ": " +
Integer.toHexString(letter2) +
" " + letter3 + ": " +
This statement outputs the character codes as hexadecimal values so you see this additional output:
Here are the hexadecimal codes for the letters:
A: 41 B: 42 C: 43
The toHexString() method generates a string representation of the argument you supply. Here you just
have the name of a variable of type char as the argument in each of the three uses of the method, but you
could put in any expression that results in a value of type int . Because the method requires an argument
of type int , the compiler inserts a cast to type int for each of the arguments letter1 , letter2 , and
letter3 .
The Integer class is related to the primitive type int in that an object of type Integer “wraps” a value
of type int . You will understand the significance of this better when you investigate classes in Chapter 5.
There are also classes of type Byte , Short , and Long that relate to values of the corresponding primitive
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