Java Reference
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Your Card class has two data members that are both enumeration types. One defines the suit and the other
defines the face value of the card.
You will undoubtedly need to display a card, so you need a String representation of a Card object. The
toString() method can do this for you:
public class Card {
public String toString() {
return rank + " of " + suit;
// Other members as before...
Directory "TryDeal"
The String representation of an enum constant is the name you assign to the constant, so the String
representation of a Card object with the suit value as CLUBS and the rank value as FOUR is "FOUR of
In general, you probably want to compare cards, so you could also make the Card class implement the
Comparable<> interface:
public class Card implements Comparable<Card> {
// Compare two cards
public int compareTo(Card card) {
if(suit.equals(card.suit)) {
// First
compare suits
if(rank.equals(card.rank)) {
// So check
face values
return 0;
// They are
return rank.compareTo(card.rank) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
} else {
// Suits are
return suit.compareTo(card.suit) < 0 ? -1 : 1; // Sequence is
// Other members as before...
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