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Directory "TryDeal"
You can see the benefit of the Comparable<> interface being a generic type. The Card class implements
the Comparable<Card> interface, so the compareTo() method works with Card objects and no cast is
necessary in the operation. The suit first determines the card sequence. If the two cards are of the same
suit, then you compare the face values. To compare enum values for equality you use the equals() meth-
od. The Enum<> class that is the base for all enum types implements the Comparable<> interface so you
can use the compareTo() method to determine the sequencing of enum values.
You could represent a hand of cards that is dealt from a deck as an object of type Hand . A Hand object
needs to accommodate an arbitrary number of cards, depending on the game the hand is intended for.
You can define the Hand class using a Vector<Card> object to store the cards:
// Class defining a hand of cards
import java.util.Vector;
public class Hand {
// Add a card to the hand
public void add(Card card) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for(Card card : hand) {
if(first) {
first = false;
} else {
str.append(", ");
return str.toString();
private Vector<Card> hand = new Vector<>();
// Stores a hand
of cards
Directory "TryDeal"
The default constructor generated by the compiler creates a Hand object containing an empty Vector-
<Card> member, hand . The add() member adds the Card object passed as an argument by adding it to
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