Java Reference
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// Sort the words
LinkedList<String> sortedWords = cache.sort();
// List the sorted words
System.out.println("\nSorted word sequence:");
count = 0;
for(String word : sortedWords) {
System.out.printf("%-15s", word);
if(++count%5 == 0) {
Directory "TryBinaryTree"
The output should be along the lines of the following:
Original values are:
110 136 572 589 605 832
565 765 514 616 347 724
152 527 124 324 42 508
621 653 480 236 1 793
324 31 127 170 724 546
Sorted values are:
1 31 42 110 124 127
136 152 170 236 324 324
347 480 508 514 527 546
565 572 589 605 616 621
653 724 724 765 793 832
Original word sequence:
vacillate procrastinate arboreal syzygy xenocracy
zygote mephitic soporific grisly gristly
Sorted word sequence:
arboreal grisly gristly mephitic
soporific syzygy vacillate xenocracy zygote
How It Works
You have defined BinaryTree<T> with a type parameter that is constrained to implement the parameter-
ized interface type Comparable<T> . Thus, any type argument that you use with the BinaryTree<T> type
must implement the Comparable<T> interface. If it doesn't, the code doesn't compile. This ensures that
all objects added to a BinaryTree<T> object have the compareTo() method available.
The definition for BinaryTree<T> also demonstrates that a generic type can include references to other
generic types — LinkedList<T> in the sort() method for example and the second parameter to the
treeSort() method. The type of the LinkedList<T> return value is determined by the type argument
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