Java Reference
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practice to have a catch block for each of the specific types of exceptions that a try block can throw. That
enables you to indentify and deal with each type of exception individually.
Catching Multiple Exception Types in a Block
You can catch an exception that may be any of two or more different types in a single catch block. You
specify the possible types for the catch block parameter separated by | . Here's a fragment showing how
you do this:
try {
// Code that can throw exceptions
// of type ArithmeticException and ArrayStoreException...
} catch(ArithmeticException|ArrayStoreException e) {
// Code to handle exception of either type...
The catch block is executed if an exception of either type ArithmeticException or type Ar-
rayStoreException is thrown in the try block. This is particularly useful when you want to handle ex-
ceptions of two or more different types in the same way because it avoids having to write multiple catch
blocks containing the same code. This can arise quite easily when you call several methods in a single block,
each of which may throw an exception of a different type. When you want to handle more than one type of
exception in the same way, you can use the multiple types form for the catch block parameter.
Of course, you can still have multiple catch blocks, each of which may respond to one or more exception
The finally Block
The immediate nature of an exception being thrown means that execution of the try block code breaks off,
regardless of the importance of the code that follows the point at which the exception was thrown. This in-
troduces the possibility that the exception leaves things in an unsatisfactory state. You might have opened a
file, for example, and because an exception was thrown, the code to close the file is not executed.
The finally block provides the means for you to clean up at the end of executing a try block. You use a
finally block when you need to be sure that some particular code is run before a method returns, no matter
what exceptions are thrown within the associated try block. A finally block is always executed, regard-
less of whether or not exceptions are thrown during the execution of the associated try block. If a file needs
to be closed, or a critical resource released, you can guarantee that it is done if the code to do it is put in a
finally block.
The finally block has a very simple structure:
finally {
// Clean-up code to be executed last
Just like a catch block, a finally block is associated with a particular try block, and it must be located
immediately following any catch blocks for the try block. If there are no catch blocks then you position
the finally block immediately after the try block. If you don't do this, your program does not compile.
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