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// List selection listener method
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
if(!e.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
font = new Font(fontList.getSelectedValue(),
font.getStyle(), font.getSize());
Directory "Sketcher 5 displaying a font dialog"
This method is called when you select an item in the list. You have only one list, so you don't need to
check which object was the source of the event. If you were handling events from several lists, you could
call the getSource() method for the event object that is passed to valueChanged( ), and compare it with
the references to the JList<> objects being used.
The ListSelectionEvent object that is passed to the valueChanged() method contains the index posi-
tions of the list items that changed. You can obtain these as a range by calling the getFirstIndex() method
for the event object to get the first in the range, and the getLastIndex() method returns the last. You don't
need to worry about any of this in the FontDialog class. Because you have disallowed multiple selections,
you only get one index.
You have to be careful, though. Because you start out with an item already selected, selecting another
font name from the list causes two events — one for deselecting the original font name and the other for se-
lecting the new name. To make sure that you deal only with the last event, you call the getValueIsAdjust-
ing() method for the event object in the if expression. This returns false for the event when all changes
due to a selection are complete, and true if things are still changing when the event occurred. Thus your
implementation of the valueChanged() method does nothing when the getValueIsAdjusting() method
returns true .
You are sure nothing further is changing when getValueIsAdjusting() returns false , so you retrieve
the selected font name from the list by calling its getSelectedValue() method. You create a new Font ob-
ject using the selected family name and the current values for fontStyle and fontSize . You store the new
font in the data member font and call the setFont() member of a data member, fontDisplay , that you
haven't added to the FontDialog class yet. This is a JLabel object displaying a sample of the current font.
After you've set the new font, you call repaint() for the fontDisplay label to get it redrawn with the new
You need another import statement for the ListSelectionListener and ListSelectionEvent types:
import javax.swing.event.*;
Displaying the Selected Font
You display the selected font in a JLabel object that you place in another JPanel pane. Adding the follow-
ing code to the constructor does this:
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